12 July 2023
News Tribune, July 12, 1983
Minnesota transportation officials yesterday told the Duluth City Council that another exit could be added to the Interstate 35 extension to 26th Avenue East. John Pawlak, district engineer, said an exit could be added at either 15th or 16th Avenue East. With guns booming in salute, the Navy destroyer USS Edson sailed under Duluth’s Aerial Bridge yesterday. Hundreds of people watched from Canal Park as the 418-foot Edson entered the harbor, trailing an escort flotilla of tugs, Coast Guard boats, and private craft.
News Tribune, July 12, 1923
Bert Onsgard, chairman of the Duluth Zoo Committee, said yesterday he expects the zoo will be completed within 10 days. He said the zoo will open to the general public after all the animals have been transported to the site. Superior Rotarians, Kiwanians, and Lions will frolic at a joint outing of the organizations on Thursday, July 19, at Solon Springs. A program that includes swimming, canoeing, tree climbing, foot races and log-rolling will lead up to the baseball games.]]>