15 July 2023
News Tribune, July 15, 1983
Duluth Mayor John Fedo said yesterday he’s disappointed that Jeno’s Inc. corporate headquarters will be moving to Florida, but he’s not despondent about Duluth’s economy. He said the loss of Jeno’s is lessened by bright prospects for an economic recovery this summer. The local group TOOT, or reTurn Our Old Tone, is celebrating the return of a fog horn to Duluth with tomorrow’s Fog Festival. The festival master of ceremonies will be Richard “Heatwave” Burler, and activities will include skydivers, power kiters, a hillbilly band and belly dancers.
News Tribune, July 15, 1923
About 20,000 Duluthians are expected to vote in the special senatorial election to be held tomorrow, according to A. H. Davenport, city clerk. Preparations to handle that many voters have been made and extra supplies have been sent to election judges. Construction on a new $30,000 church for the Serbian people of Duluth will begin in August, according to Rev. Vladimir Porobich, priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. A site at 104th Avenue West in New Duluth has been selected for the church.]]>