Weekly Wave: Aging movie stars make this newspaper editor feel old

15 July 2023

DULUTH So, I’m sitting in a darkened theater watching “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” and doing some rough math.

How old was I when the Harrison Ford classic “Raiders of the Lost Ark” hit silver screens in 1981? About 11 years old.

I turn to my right and see my 17-year-old son and think, “Wow, I was six years younger than that when I saw ‘Raiders’ with my family.”

I felt very old.

But maybe age is truly just a number … if Hollywood can take an 81-year-old Ford and drop him into Nazi Germany in “Dial of Destiny” (with some help of computer-generated imagery in those opening scenes), why should I feel old at 53?

I mean, Ford was practically half his age when he was fleeing giant rocks, fearing snakes, cracking whips and beating up Hitler’s minions in “Raiders” and he looked good doing much of the same in “Dial of Destiny.”

I guess we’re all just aging like our heroes.

Last year Tom Cruise jumped back into fighter jets for the wonderful “Top Gun” sequel “Top Gun: Maverick.” I doubt many of our top fighter pilots are still “feeling the need for speed” in their late 50s and early 60s.

But that’s Hollywood.

I hear that Brad Pitt is filming a Formula 1 movie, despite being almost 60 years old nearly 20 years older than the current eldest vet in the series and old enough to be a father to most of the younger drivers.

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk around wearing some of that movie magic CGI for a while? I’d opt for Rick Lubbers, version summer 1991, when I was just starting my 20s.

But that’s the thing about being an old newspaper editor. We just get older and crustier as the years and editions pass No CGI (or math) needed.

Here are some DNT highlights from the past week:

Construction milestones

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but Northland drivers swear the Twin Ports Interchange project is taking twice as long!

Well, take heart, Duluth chariot drivers. The end is within sight. Sort of.

DNT summer reporting intern Noah Beardslee provided readers an update on how the Twin Ports Interchange project (in the area formerly known as the “Can of Worms”) is going as project managers still aim to have the immense undertaking completed by the end of 2025.

Predicting space weather

Forecasting the weather on earth seems difficult enough Lake Superior loves fooling meteorologists but I can’t imagine predicting space weather. “Tonight we will have clear skies and an 80 percent chance of northern lights.”

This week our own Northland space meteorologist, Astro Bob, shared his expertise on the subject and helped explain the pros and cons of predicting aurora displays. 

Hometown hero

Minnesota Vikings fullback and proud Duluth Denfeld alum C.J. Ham held his annual youth football camp last weekend, and that means NFL training camps, preseason games and the kickoff of the 2023 season can’t be far away.

DNT sports editor Brandon Veale caught up with Ham and talked about his upcoming seventh season in purple and gold. 

Catch a wave

Here are a few more stories from the past week to check out:

Medical merger: St. Luke’s plans to affiliate with Aspirus Health “Good Jobs, Great Cities Academy”: Duluth looks to feds for help as it strives to meet growing labor needs Prep baseball player of the year: Esko’s Cale Haugen battles through adversity in storybook season Loon lifeline: Entangled in fishing line, Deer Lake loon is saved with midnight rescue effort Sweet treats: Duluth home baker specializes in treats with Nordic twist

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