Bygones: 100 years ago, Duluth kids participated in DNT pushmobile contest

15 August 2023

News Tribune, Aug. 15, 1983
Gold fever is spreading into Minnesota after a rich Canadian gold deposit was recently discovered about 200 miles from Minnesota’s northeastern tip. State officials say parts of northern Minnesota are geologically similar enough to the Canadian gold strike area to start a wave of prospecting. The spirit of small-town America was present in Two Harbors yesterday during the season’s final concert of the Two Harbors City Band. The outdoor concert in Thomas Owens Park was dedicated to Paul Gauche, who led the band for 35 years.

News Tribune, Aug. 15, 1923

Dedication of the new soldiers’ cottage at Nopeming Sanatorium will be held this afternoon at the facility. A feature of the program will be the unveiling of a portrait of the late Lt. Col. Dr. William M. Hart, first superintendent of Nopeming. The second annual Duluth News Tribune pushmobile contest will be held this morning on Third Street between Lake Avenue and First Avenue West. More than 20 boys have entered the event, and they will be pushing wagons of all shapes, sizes and descriptions.]]>

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