Bygones: 40 years ago, plan for Duluth motorhome plant fell through

17 August 2023

News Tribune, Aug. 17, 1983
Duluth Mayor John Fedo said yesterday the city is out of the Wheat Motor Co. deal. Donald Wheat, meanwhile, is meeting with potential investors in Minneapolis to raise $1 million for a new plan to locate his motorhome factory in Duluth. Duluth City Councilor Thomas Huntley yesterday put his name in the running for the legislative seat being vacated by Rep. Thomas Berkelman. Berkelman has said he will resign his legislative seat to become a lobbyist in St. Paul and Washington.

News Tribune, Aug. 17, 1923

Duluth Mayor S.F. Snively yesterday invited Edward McGuire, American sculling champion, to compete against Duluthian Walter Hoover, world’s sculling champion, in the annual fall regatta of the Duluth Boat Club. Canadian champion G. E. Gilmore announced yesterday he will be competing in the Duluth event. A program which will include horse racing, vaudeville, fireworks, auto racing, and band music has been arranged for the Tri-State Fair in Superior, Sept. 3-7. The Morris and Castle Shows will be the feature attraction on the midway this year.]]>

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