Has the Biden administration invested more in clean energy in red states than blue states?

18 August 2023

MinnPost is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking here. Sign up for our newsletter for more stories straight to your inbox.


Two August 2023 reports say the Biden administration has directed more Inflation Reduction Act climate change resources to so-called red states — those controlled by Republicans — than blue states, those run by Democrats.

The 2022 law includes $370 billion in clean energy federal tax incentives.

An analysis by Politico found that of the 200 clean-energy project locations that have been announced through July, more than 60% are in GOP-held House of Representatives districts.

One example: The Italian company Enel is using the tax credits as part of its plan to spend $1 billion on a solar cell and panel manufacturing facility in Oklahoma.

E2, a business leaders group that advocates for policies promoting the economy and environment, reported that more than half of the 210 major new clean energy and clean vehicle projects across the country announced since the law was adopted are in districts held by Republicans.

This fact brief, originally published by Wisconsin Watch, is responsive to conversations such as this one.


E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) Clean Economy Works | IRA One-Year Review

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