Sainted & Tainted: Neither hail nor thunder nor sideways torrents …

19 August 2023


I would like to send out a huge Sainted to Brian/Bryon. Not sure of the spelling of his name. The U.S. Postal carrier who had our walking route on 21st Avenue North between Thompson Avenue and Congress Street, South St. Paul.

It was the night of the last big thunderstorm on Friday, the 11th of August. That storm had torrential rains blowing sideways, hail, lightning and thunder. I saw a guy across the street with a headlamp on and a short sleeve shirt. Ten minutes later he was at my door sopping wet. I opened the door and he said I hope you don’t mind your mail being a little damp today. He wished me a good evening and went on his way.

I really appreciate all the postal carriers we have in our neighborhood but Brian/Bryon brings a whole new meaning to going above and beyond the line of duty.

Thanks Brian/Bryon and all U.S. Postal workers.

Dale Krech, South St. Paul



I want to give my heartfelt thank you to the three Xcel Energy workers in Chisago who hustled to my aid and changed the flat tire on my truck last Tuesday.

They did all the work, including lying under my truck to get the spare tire off its mount.

They could not have been any more pleasant. Thank you!

Jim Larson, Forest Lake



Do not empty sewage in the northwest corner of the Eagan Costco.

Some weeks ago, after I filled my car with gas, I took my dog for a walk down the fence to the far northwest corner. She went over the edge and came back up covered in sewage. I had no water to spray her with, but Clorox wipes. When I saw your RV parked in the same place on Friday, July 28, I figured out what was wrong with me. My dog is fine but I got Giardia, and had to be on very heavy antibiotics. I called Costco and reported that someone was dumping sewage from their RV off the northwest corner of the parking lot.

How did you decide that was the perfect spot?

Leah Shiely Swenson, Lilydale



On a Wednesday in April, I happened to be looking out my back porch windows enjoying the wildlife. I noticed a woman, her two children and another person with all carrying a garbage bag and doing what appeared to be picking up trash along the shoreline of the creek at Goose Pond Park.

I was so impressed that I went out the back door to immediately thank them.

The mother’s response was “Well, we need to keep our Earth clean, right? And I told my children what they were going to be doing after school today.” The mother even went down to the edge of the water where a huge bag was resting in the water. She used some kind of a stick and fought with this bag till she finally succeeded in getting it out of the water.

This mother not only set a great example for her children, but I wanted them all to know their efforts did not go unnoticed and how much I appreciated the work they were doing. It’s such a joy to not have to look at all that trash all summer long!

Tainted: to all those who think littering is ok.

Barb Schacht, Oakdale



Tainted be the thief who stole Tony’s concrete Buddha. This bare-legged guy in a blue shirt drove his white four-door down the alley, climbed out, stole the 2’, 30-pound statue from Tony’s front yard, and drove away. And this was all caught on camera — and Tony’s wife saw the theft several thousand miles away – live – and called Tony’s phone to alert him. Sure enough, they had it on video.

Now this happened on a Wednesday morning a few weeks ago – and the Buddha had been purchased the previous Sunday, so they think the thief must live nearby – but Tony has not seen the white 4-door, nor the little statue, so the theft remains a mystery. Stay tuned: perhaps the thief will see this and return Tony’s Buddha  … What do you think ?

Bruce Fisher, North St. Paul



Here’s a shout out to Discount Tire on White Bear Avenue in Maplewood. I had a slow leak in my front tire after hitting a deep pothole. I feared the worst. When I called Discount Tire they told me that I didn’t need an appointment but should just bring my car right in and they would check it out for no charge. I did that and to my surprise they found no damage to the tire or the rim from hitting the pothole. What they found instead was a nail in the tire which they repaired during the inspection.

When they returned the car to me, I was handed an invoice that indicated no charge at all. I was amazed and asked the service manager if I was reading this right. He assured me I was and I was on my way. From my worst fears to this amazing surprise.

Dennis Fendt, Oakdale



I have enjoyed reading the Pioneer Press for many years. I want to thank the person who put the picture and obituary in for Brian Ellsworth Eldridge on Sunday, Aug. 6. It was a good, well written tribute to Brian and honored him. He did have at least one good friend. It also reminds the rest of us that we should be kind and caring to those who don’t fit the usual mold.

Annette Mason, Ridgeland, Wis.

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