Bygones: 40 years ago, Superior shot down plan for condos

23 August 2023

News Tribune, Aug. 23, 1983
Striking telephone workers in Northeastern Minnesota will end their 17-day strike and return to work this week if regional contract negotiations are settled. Talks between AT&T’s subsidiary Bell companies and the Communications Workers of America are expected to be completed by tomorrow. Superior harbor commissioners yesterday decided converting the abandoned Elevator O to condominiums would be a waste of industrial waterfront property. Developers wanted to convert the structure into a $5.4 million waterfront complex featuring luxury condominiums and boat slips.

News Tribune, Aug. 23, 1923

Duluth playgrounds will hold their biggest events of the year today with two picnics, one for eastern playgrounds and one for western. At each event, children who have completed specific athletic tests will receive their awards in the form of playground letters. Hibbing residents are ready to welcome the thousands of people who will pay their annual visit to the county fair, which opens Sept. 1. Yesterday, a partial list of grandstand attractions was announced, including horse racing, auto racing and a trick bicyclist.]]>

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