Letter to the Editor: Our World

29 August 2023

So, you are concerned about the climate crisis and are not sure what to do about it. Know that you are not alone. Also know that the climate movement needs you, it needs everyone, to do everything we can to address this crisis. Here are some ideas:

• Learn more about how our world is warming; the causes, consequences and actions that need to be taken to stop it. Start by visiting NASA’s website on climate at: https://climate.nasa.gov

• Talk about it, a lot, with friends, family, neighbors, everybody and anybody.

• Get involved; join a climate group or two. Ask how you can help. You undoubtedly have the skills they need. If you have money to donate, they could benefit from that too.

• Get political; take to the streets, contact elected officials, repeatedly, at all levels of government, and demand that they take action to address this crisis. They were elected to serve the people, and there is no higher service than protecting the world we live in.

• Walk the talk; take steps to reduce your emissions. It is very gratifying.

• Pace yourself; we’re in this for the long haul. Have hope.

“One of the beautiful things right now is that I can’t tell you how to be a  climate activist. That’s up to you to figure out. But I CAN tell you that the movement needs you, and that you have a role in this that’s important and uniquely your own.” Peter Kalmus, Climate Scientist

Ron Sadler

Duluth, MN

The post Letter to the Editor: Our World appeared first on Austin Daily Herald.

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