Bygones: September 1923 saw 84 divorce cases in Duluth

30 August 2023

News Tribune, Aug. 30, 1983
Duluth city officials received approval from the City Council yesterday to apply for a border-city enterprise zone designation that would allow tax breaks for some manufacturing businesses. If the application is approved, up to five years of tax breaks would be available to some employers. The Economic Development Administration has approved a $1.8 million grant to help pay for renovating the Duluth Air Force Base Semi-Automatic Ground Environment building. UMD plans to establish a natural resource research center in the vacant air base building.

News Tribune, Aug. 30, 1923

More than 300 cases are on the calendar for the September term of District Court in Duluth, which opens Sept. 5, according to W. R. Wasson, deputy clerk. The calendar includes 84 divorce cases, 82 closed court cases, and 147 jury trials. A caravan traveling by automobile from British Columbia, caused a disturbance at an International Falls tourist camp yesterday when they decided to camp there. Officials ordered them to move on, declaring that they did not come under the heading of tourists.]]>

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