Sainted: Eric the ump, you help make our city great

30 September 2023


Most years, our adult softball season highlights entail wild catches, miraculous hits after a dry spell, base running that doesn’t result in pulled muscles, and enjoying a few cold beverages with friends. This year, we have been lucky to add an extraordinary umpire named Eric to the highlight list.

It’s rare to see a person truly care and connect with those around them, with no agenda beyond the joy it brings. As the umpire for our St. Paul Parks and Recreation 9 p.m. softball game this week at Dunning Field, Eric exuded a sense of humor, community pride and connected humanity with everyone in attendance. He asked our names and confirmed again, his smile was infectious and sincere, his willingness to stay late on a cold night despite the other team’s no-show was a reminder of the importance some still hold for doing the job well, no matter what.

In speaking with him about his love for our city, his work within the rec centers and the public school system, his delight in familiar faces, I found myself marveling at how much those hidden heroes like Eric make this city great. My hometown pride follows me across the globe, but I return time and again for the integrity, dedication, humility and commitment of people like Eric; working to make this city of ours a safe haven and joyful place.

Kate Genereux (and the entire team of Pobody’s Nerfect), St. Paul



The driver of a cobalt-blue pickup wearing a safety vest who jumped out of his truck at the intersection of Davern and Ford Parkway to stop traffic and allow a student on a bicycle to cross the street safely on the first day of school.

Sue Puder, St. Paul



A big tainted to the driver of the black Suburban who dumped his trash bags at the Midway Yard Waste site on Aug. 18. I pulled into your space right after you left to find the mess you left for someone to clean up. The Ramsey County employee working at the site picked up and disposed of your trash bags. You need to review The Golden Rule.

Ann Utoft, St. Paul



A few weeks ago I was picking someone up at the airport and it was really crowded. The lines to pick people up were bumper to bumper for three blocks.  Every lane was filled up as people were picking up passengers with luggage. Signs tell you not to stop or park there.

Tainted to the drivers of a red minivan and a white mini bus. The parked at an angle completely blocking two lanes. The drivers actually got out of their vehicles to take pictures. I mean they were really taking their time with it. They had a group of six to eight women lined up in a semicircle to pose for photos. This is while they are blocking two lanes and hundreds of people from getting their loved ones home!

Tom Haas, St. Paul



A sainting to the Friends of Tettegouche State Park volunteers and park staff for creating a wonderful “nature playground “ area. Very creative play areas and tasks for kids of all ages. Thanks to all who were part of the design and installation.

Rob and Mary Weber, Stillwater



I would like to send a Sainted and Thank You to the many volunteers who made the Minnesota Equine Special Olympics safe, successful and fun. It was held Aug. 18 at the North West Saddle Club Arena in North Branch (always held the third Friday of August).

And a huge thank you to the amazing organizer of this event, Kris Kelly, who has been organizing this event for 30 years. So on behalf of the Olympians and the volunteers, we want to send a huge Sainted to Kris Kelly, who is OUR Olympian Hero.

Mary Danielson, Vadnais Heights


Sainted and Tainted

We attended the Minnesota State Fair on Aug. 29 in order to introduce a guest from Rochester, N.Y., to this grand event.  She is a very active gardener (with her own greenhouse!) and we were particularly looking forward to showing her the flower show arrangements in the Ag/Hort building.

Sainted: Those who put so much thought and effort into growing the flowers and plants and creating such lovely floral arrangements with them. Our guest really enjoyed seeing them and trying to learn about plants and flowers that were new to her.

Tainted: Those who thought that everyone that came to look at these lovely floral  arrangements would know what types of flowers and materials were used to create them. According to the 2023 “Minnesota State Fair Flower Show Rules” (available online), floral arrangements were excluded from having to provide the name(s) of flowers and plants used in them.

Surely it would be no hardship for exhibitors to create a simple printed list of the common names of the flowers and plants that were used in their exhibits and have that list accompany the display. I saw a couple of unique plants I’d like to try growing next year, but I came away from the flower show with no idea as to their names. The highly experienced New York gardener didn’t know, either.

Robyn Feld, Woodbury



A huge sainted to the Minnesota State Fair for organizing the amazing and free Park & Ride system to efficiently transport fairgoers to and from our wonderful state fair. The last few years we have parked at the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church lot on Hamline. The buses run regularly, so it’s just a short wait for next bus. And the passengers seem to enjoy the scenic rides.

In past years we sometimes struggled to find a free parking spot within a relatively short walking distance, once getting a parking ticket. Whoa! Then we discovered Park & Ride!

Bill Vilendrer, Lake St. Croix Beach



I want to thank the kind State Fair attendee (or employee?) who turned in my credit card to the Lost & Found office. I had dropped it on Cosgrove Street somewhere between the Corn Dog stand, where I had used it to pay for my wife’s dinner, and the Gizmo sandwich place, where I was forced to use a different card when I discovered to my horror that it was missing.

I had assumed someone had found it and was about to attempt to purchase every item in the grandstand, but when no attempted purchases showed up, someone advised me to check Lost and Found. Sure enough, some kind Minnesotan had turned it in. Thanks for making my post-Fair week a lot easier!

Bill Brady, Falcon Heights

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