Letters: It’s a free country. Let’s keep it that way

18 October 2023

Free country, let’s keep it that way

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” is a quote commonly attributed to Voltaire. Similarly, as I grew up in the shelter of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech” I’d hear and say “Hey, it’s a free country. You can say what ever you want, I just don’t have to agree with it.”

Oh how I wish that that was universally accepted, but it is evidenced that it is not.

As exampled by the apparent “doxxing” action at Harvard. The publishing of the names, faces and often addresses of those who express an unpopular point of view as a punishment for their having the temerity to state it. It’s as if to goad some un-American loony into an act of violence against these individuals. Hey Harvard, it’s a free country, say what you want, without fear, and in turn, I’m free to tell you, if I think it’s stupid, short-sighted or just plain wrong. This is a free country, keep it that way.

Bob Emery, Mendota Heights


For or against

George W. Bush made the following statement after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 … “Either you are for us, or against us.” This same statement should be on the lips of all Israeli people as they cope with the recent terrorist attack by Hamas terrorists.  There, however, seem to be segments within our nation that are unable to express this sentiment.

Some of our institutions of “higher” learning have groups that actually support the mass killing of Israeli citizens, including the beheading of babies, rape of women. Harvard, which has a history of accepting only the best and brightest, certainly has taken a step backward, as student organizations offer their support to terrorists.

Politicians too, seem to have lost their ability to address wrongs if they are committed by groups they support. The “Squad,” of which one is a representative from the state of Minnesota, who I won’t name because it brings her notoriety, cannot bring themselves to condemn the actions taken by Hamas terrorists on innocent citizens of Israel. Unfortunately, these representatives are speaking for thousands of U.S. citizens who are of the same ideology.

Not to be outdone, the Chicago chapter of an organization that has “lives matter” in its name supported Hamas terrorists who massacred over a thousand Israeli citizens. Apparently it is only their lives that matter, and not the lives of men, women and children killed by terrorists. This group receives millions in donations, both corporate and individual; people who might want to reevaluate those gifts.

Evil exists. It was present on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers. It was present on Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists massacred over a thousand Israelis.  It is present yesterday, today and tomorrow when naive, ill-informed or ideology-driven Americans give their support to a violent terrorist organization, Hamas.

Jerry Wynn, St. Paul


Enough, and not enough

There were two articles from the Sunday paper that particularly caught my attention. Allina Health is just one of many of the large health systems being challenged by its employees. During the pandemic, all health workers were “abused” by their systems, and some died from the jobs they were required to perform. I would look to the salaries of all top executives in each system for the real truth behind what money these systems do and do not have. Essentia in Duluth spent hundreds of millions of dollars building a gargantuan structure while overworking and underpaying their employees. MHealth Fairview wanted to sell out from their poor financial management. Bravo to those courageous enough to stand up and say “enough.”

As some of us try for a more equitable world, I applaud the Minnesota Department of Education for taking on social studies. I’m 74 years old, which mean my studies (K-12) did not include the truths about the native tribes that were slaughtered by my ancestors, the slave trade supported by my ancestors and the oppression of women by my male ancestors. Over the past 10 years, I have finally been able to read books that tell the truth about all of these things and the remarkable contributions to our world that these “invisible” groups gave during their lives. I would hope and I do support the changes in our education system to the the stories of all peoples in the history of America. And when conservative think tanks oppose those changes, I know the changes are headed in the right direction for the health of our children and our future.

Nancy Lanthier Carroll, Roseville


Spending, taxing

This fall metro shoppers were hit with a sales-tax increase of more than 14.5% over the base rate. Perhaps the most regressive tax in the state is 6.875%; metro shoppers, rich and poor, are now paying 7.875%, plus the taxing done by other local governments. The politicians and cooperative media call that a “1 percent” increase. Don’t buy their rhetoric, we have been slammed by a huge increase of the sales tax.

Speaking of rhetoric to obscure, Tim Walz and the Democratic Legislature have been spending your regular taxes, the $17.5 billion dollar surplus,  borrowing millions, and have set up a plethora of obscure tax and fee increases to the tune of a 40% spending/taxing increases. Inflationary? How does your personal budget feel about inflation and rising interest rates?

Jerry Monson, Mahtomedi


Not a good leader

A recent letter-writer wondered why all Democrats voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from his position as Speaker of the House.  I think a big reason is very obvious: Kevin McCarthy is not a good leader.

When someone like George Santos continues to face charges of corruption and fraud the Speaker should be the one to ask him to resign. But he doesn’t. Why not? He needs all the votes he can get. And after the House has spent months of floundering around trying to find some way to help the country move forward and help the nation and other people of the world, what does he do? He decides to impeach President Biden? Why? He’ll think of something.

Do you want more reasons? Read the paper every day. They’re not hard to find.

Stephen Joachim, Roseville


An ethics safety net

Justice Barrett would support an ethics code from the U.S. Supreme Court despite the fact that “the nine justices already agree that they should hold themselves to the highest ethical standards possible.” Undoubtedly this mutual agreement is demonstrated by Justice Thomas, after voting to protect his wife in subjects surrounding Jan. 6. Or perhaps it is Barrett who upholds the unspoken ethical standards after failing to recuse herself in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, where Americans for Prosperity spent over $1 million to get her confirmed in the court.

Despite the clear high standards and professionalism of the court, a code of ethics might be a good safety net. The court cannot uphold the law of the land without something to govern them as well.

Shae Ramberg, Hennepin County


The next war

Last verse from Bob Dylan’s song “With God on our side”:

“So now as I’m leavin’
I’m weary as Hell
The confusion I’m feelin’
Ain’t no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
That if God’s on our side
He’ll stop the next war.”

Hans Mouritzen, St. Paul

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