Photos and video: Counting down on ‘Noon Year’s Eve’

31 December 2023

DULUTH As 2024 approaches, those not wishing to wait to count down to the new year had an opportunity to do so early or practice for Sunday evening on Saturday at the Noon Year’s Event hosted by the Duluth Children’s Museum.

“It is so great for adults to be able to celebrate New Year’s with their children,” said Armella Lane, a Duluth Children’s Museum educator. “Because, it happens at midnight and a lot of children can’t handle being up that late.”

The countdown to 12 o’clock p.m. included confetti, cheers, and the excitement of a brand-new year. Party horns were a particular favorite among the kids.

“We have noisemakers for everybody,” said Lane. “Of course, kids like anything noisy, come on!”

The countdown was just part of an all-day event that began at 9 a.m. and wrapped up at 4 p.m. Other activities including crafting hats, sharing New Year’s wishes, a family dance party, a photo booth and assisting with a New Year’s snowman art project.

Lane estimated that between 50-100 kids attended during the a.m. hours.

“Parents might be a little mad at us later for the noisemakers,” joked Lane. “But, let kids be kids and let kids have fun.”

For more on the Duluth Children’s Museum, visit


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