Morning Report pets in April

1 May 2024

The Morning Report, our newsletter, signs off with photos of readers’ pets on weekdays.

In April, we featured cats, dogs … and pigs!

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Monday, April 1

“Going to the vet each year for a checkup is not Archie’s idea of a good time,” Richard writes. “More like horrible. Getting him there is exhausting. Once there, he at least hunkers down with a frown.

“Here, Archie is lying low in resignation.

Archie at the vet.

“In this picture, he has an expression of resigned disbelief as his nails are trimmed.”

Archie’s nail trim.

Tuesday, April 2

“Sookie — Patrick and Karen’s rescue dog — greets her Grandpa, Chuck,” Geri writes.

Grandpa and Sookie.

Wednesday, April 3

“This is Bentley and Lincoln,” Heather writes. “They are best friends and love running off to go on adventures.”

Bentley and Lincoln.

“Bentley is a 5 yr old Shih Tzu. He loves kids and giving kisses. He has a silly personality, loves to play with toys and bury bones.

“Lincoln is a 1-year-old Springer mix. We adopted him from the Babinski Foundation. He loves to be outside and chase squirrels. He is a big goofy puppy who loves treats, running through the woods, and getting attention.

Thursday, April 4


“This is our rescue, Scout, who is now 2 years old,” Julie writes. “He was thanking his foster, Chrissy from NDLB (No Dog Left Behind). We included this in her card when she got married recently!”

Friday, April 5


“Fauci is a Spinone Italiano, a great all around upland game hunting machine,” Kate from Mahtomedi writes. “She is also a huge goofball and epic napping companion. She was a pandemic puppy and we are so happy to have her in our lives!”

Monday, April 8 (Memorial Monday)

“This is my favorite photo from the puppyhood of Tucker the Wonder Dog, our Very Good Boy, furry family member and my constant companion for the past 15 years,” writes Nina of Chanhassen.


“Unfortunately, Tucker developed a cancerous tumor on his liver that doubled in size in just a year, making it quite difficult for him to breathe and eat. So with the help of Dr. Rebecca from MN Pets, Tucker crossed the bridge last month in the peace and comfort of our home with his family gathered around him to send him off with snuggles, kisses and many, many tears.

“I cannot recommend MN Pets more highly to those who must make this heart-wrenching decision for their pets.”

Find out more at

Tuesday, April 9

“Max enjoyed Easter very much,” Angie writes, “despite some candy goo sticking to his nose.”


Wednesday, April 10

“New friends Ruby (Cocker Spaniel) and Oakley,” Edla writes. “Sitting patiently and waiting to see who will get the tennis ball first.”

Waiting for the tennis ball.

Thursday, April 11

“Puggy Sue is back at UW-Stout where her dad works,” writes her dad, Frederick. “She is working on another degree at Stout following previous stints at UW-Eau Claire, Stout and before that at Luther College. She is missing her grandma, Nana, who passed away in February.”

Puggy Sue

Friday, April 12

Recently, Mary sent us a photo of her pet pig.

Now, she’s sent us photos of her friends’ pigs. They tell us more:

Ozzie and Harriet

“This is Ozzie and Harriet (Harriet has the dark snout),” write Claudia and Colleen. “Our mother named them because they acted like an old, married couple. They are 14 years old now.

“They live in their own heated pig house, but come on the porch for breakfast, dinner and happy hour. Ozzie is a food thief and eats like a pig. Harriet eats daintily like the queen that she is.

“They are both rescues from a hoarder. Harriet had a broken leg at the time, and she couldn’t stand up. Ozzie would cover Harriet with a blanket as he was her protector. Harriet has since lost 147 pounds and is now able to walk without pain.

“They are extremely smart, clean and friendly and love attention. Ozzie likes to sleep under his plastic kiddie pool. When he stands up, he takes the tub with him on his back. He looks like he could be some alien being.

“The neighbors love them, feed them snacks, and help look after them. The kids saw the pigs get healthy and learned the importance of taking care of animals in need.”

Monday, April 15 (Memorial Monday)

“Good morning,” Ellen writes. “Here is a picture of our sweet Ruby. She was a Red Setter or officially, an Irish Setter field dog, who was the best bird dog my husband ever had. She had a quirky personality and was so sweet. She unfortunately died too soon of liver cancer. Hopefully she is pointing pheasants in bird dog heaven!”


Tuesday, April 16

“Coco was hurled from a pickup in Texas when she was about 8-10 months old,” Jan writes. “Shattered her face bones. She was scraped off the side of the road and taken to a local pound, which scheduled her for euthanasia because of the extent of her injuries.


“Fortunately, a worker there contacted Chihuahua Rescue & Transport, which bailed her out, paid for be needed surgeries, and placed her in foster care to recover. She was brought to Wisconsin by members of Southwest Airlines’ SWATT team of flight attendants who volunteer to fly rescued dogs to their fosters and adopters.

“Di Ponzo fostered Coco in southern Wisconsin, and then flew her to the small airport in Bay City, Wis., where I picked her up.

Coco, rescued.

“Here is the SWATT team with Coco, and Coco herself, now recovered, safe, and happy.”

Wednesday, April 17

“This is a snapshot of the ongoing romance between Tink, age 2, rescue chihuahua, and Moggy, 14-year-old cat who had been awaiting to be adopted at Animal Humane Society’s Woodbury shelter,” Jan writes.

Tink and Moggy.

“From the start of their relationship, these two have adored each other. They play-box and nap together. They are the self-appointed busybodies on our block in St. Paul, surveilling foot traffic.”

Thursday, April 18

“Meet my grand dog, Sally,” John writes.


“Sally is a tea cup Yorkie, all 4.5 pounds of her. Aside from being incredibly cute, she loves to play fetch and tug of war. She also loves to steal socks fresh out of the dryer.”

Friday, April 19

Awhile ago, we told you about a family of four cats — the Carnegie sisters — who needed to find one home.

They are still waiting.

The four Carnegie sisters are still seeking one home through Feline Rescue.

While Feline Rescue continues to seek an adoptive home for the sisters, Kate King, executive director of the St. Paul nonprofit, tells us about a cat with special needs who has also been waiting … and waiting … for a home:

Cyrus is a stray cat from West St. Paul.


The 3-year-old male cat is a social butterfly, but would do best as an only cat. He likes chasing laser pointers, accepts head pats and loves looking out the window.

“Cyrus has been in our care for 397 days,” his foster parent wrote recently. “He’s a real love bug, but he’s got some health issues that have kept him with us for far too long!”

Those issues include a prescription urinary diet and medication for anxiety.

“He also has Feline Leukemia, which sounds scarier than it is,” his foster parent writes. “He will likely have a shorter lifespan and we are happy to provide information and education for any potential adopter who is unsure about the condition.”

To see more photos of Cyrus, watch a video or inquire about adopting him, visit or click here.

Monday, April 22 (Memorial Monday)

“Our beautiful white cat, M.C. (for Mama Cat or ‘Emcee’ for her extra loud meow, as if she was announcing something) has been gone almost three years now — April 28th, 2021,” Joyce and Doug write.


“She’d ‘adopted’ us 13 years before that; just showing up in our driveway … and after feeding her a can of tuna and a little cup of milk … she stayed! Very loving from the get go, loved roaming our property all day and enjoyed long lap petting sessions in the evenings. She gave us two litters of sweet kittens, nine total (all with loving families now) She was only ill two days before she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and we were devastated. This picture was taken a couple days before that; capturing her sweet face in mid-lick. We miss her sooo much.”

Tuesday, April 23


“Caly, a rescued barn kitten, is now a happy house cat,” Matt writes. “She is glad she has a warm place to sleep.”

Same here.

Wednesday, April 24

Bailey and Diesel

“Bailey, the (mostly) black lab finds Diesel (Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd) is a warm comfy cushion,” Steve writes. “Though Bailey is much smaller than Diesel, she is the boss — albeit a very gentle one — and this pair is inseparable.

“Bosco is the third member of the trio and a bit more independent but a good companion of this pair.”



Thursday, April 25


“We adopted Lilyrose, aka Lily, last year,” Joann writes. “She was previously owned by an elderly woman who had to enter assisted living. The foster mom said she believes Lily is a Chihuahua/Pug mix. There might be some Dachshund mixed in too, because her body is so long that we buy Dachshund coats for her winter wear. She loves, loves, loves to play fetch inside and outside the house. And she adores being cuddled. A great companion for our retirement years.”

Friday, April 26

“Thank you for your pictures of the pets, I enjoy seeing them every day,” writes Toni of Prescott, Wis.

Toni, who fosters dogs, sent us a couple of photos:

“The first picture is of Fox, my foster fail Pomeranian, and his foster sister Angel,” Toni writes.

Fox and Angel

“The second picture is Angel and her sister, Hope. Angel, 9, and Hope, 11, are Shih Tzus who are so sweet! Hope is totally blind and makes her way around by following my voice and by scent. They are available through Second Chance Animal Rescue.  Hope and Angel are bonded pair, so they must be adopted together.

Angel and Hope

“By the way, Second Chance is celebrating 30 years of rescuing cats and dogs this year.”

Monday, April 29

A rescued Chihuahua named Coco — featured here earlier in April — prompted Roni to send us another dog’s story.

“Well, it’s happened again,” Roni writes. “I guess its bound to, when you foster a lot, but Coco is the exact replica of Mama Tot, now Peach, who was recently adopted from Northern Lakes Rescue.


“She was also a Texas transport, as so many are. She arrived to me very pregnant, with Papa Tot. She gave birth to Pringles and Ruffles shortly after their arrival. And just for fun, Papa Tot and the babies are attached.”

Papa Tot and puppies.

Tuesday, April 30

“Max was patiently waiting for me to reopen the screen porch,” Linda writes. “He is now a happy camper.”


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