Bygones: 20 years ago, The Eagles broke record for DECC ticket prices

17 May 2024

News Tribune, May 17, 1924

Twenty-nine Duluth police officers engaged in the first practice of the season for the department’s baseball team. The bluecoats were said to swing “earnestly, but wildly” at every pitch served.

News Tribune, May 17, 1954

A 600-pound bear was shot and killed by a farmer north of Island Lake who claimed the animal was stalking his grazing cattle. The farmer estimated the bear would have weighed over 800 pounds if it had a chance to “fill out” after hibernation.

News Tribune & Herald, May 17, 1984

Superior will help pay for a new communications center used to contact Superior police, Douglas County sheriff’s deputies, fire departments, ambulances and other first responders. The City Council approved spending about $190,000, the city’s share of the bill that could reach $1.1 million.

News Tribune, May 17, 2004

The Eagles played a sold-out show at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. Tickets, at $95 and $125, were the most expensive in DECC history, though seats behind the stage, some of which were completely blocked by equipment, went for $95 or $55.


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