Photos and video: Duluth Veterans for Peace chapter holds anti-war Memorial Day observance

27 May 2024

DULUTH — Approximately 25 people gathered Monday at Gichi-Ode’ Akiing in Duluth for an alternative Memorial Day observance.

The Duluth chapter of Veterans for Peace sponsored the event, which went from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m, and featured speakers, a musical performance from Raging Grannies and a bell ringing to remember the sacrifice of veterans and all the victims of war.

In a news release, Veterans for Peace said that the best way to honor those who fought for their country is to work for peace, and the goal of the event was to remember the sacrifices of military veterans without glorifying, justifying or promoting unnecessary wars.

Veterans for Peace is a national organization with 140 local chapters. The group advocates for reduced military spending, avoiding military interventions in other countries, eliminating nuclear weapons, and abolishing war as an instrument of national policy, according to the news release.


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