Minnesota Historical Society to return 1862 ‘Mankato hanging rope’ to Prairie Island Indian Community

29 May 2024

Jared Kaufman at the Pioneer Press reports that after a several-month consultation process, the Minnesota Historical Society has agreed to return the “Mankato hanging rope,” used to execute Wicanhpi Wastedanpi, one of 38 Dakota men imprisoned and hanged in December 1862 in Mankato, to the Prairie Island Indian Community.

Via the Associated Press: More than 4 million chickens in Iowa will have to be killed after a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu was detected at a large egg farm, the state announced Tuesday.

Jay Kolls at KSTP is reporting St. Paul is seeing a decline in violent crimes when comparing the first five months of 2022, 2023 and 2024.

H. Jiahong Pan at the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder writes about Kettle River Councilmember Monique Doward, and how her lawsuits, complaints, and attempts to fund a new playground are among the reasons her colleagues decided to censure her on May 21. While she believes race played a factor, her colleagues say she simply isn’t following the rules.

Corin Hoggard at FOX 9 reports a new state law says all Minneapolis parks can now license alcohol sales.

James Walsh at the Star Tribune profiles Chris Jensen, the new head of the Grand Avenue Business Association who revived Grand Old Day last year and is putting the finishing touches on the 2024 Grand Old Day.

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