In some states that say they elect judges, governors choose them instead

In some states that say they elect judges, governors choose them instead

State supreme court races have become pivotal in current legal battles over issues including abortion,...

Minnesota Legislature places new requirements on Met Council for spending, light rail construction

Minneapolis Sen. Scott Dibble didn’t get all that he wanted in legislation to change how...

Accusations of operating in the dark dog Minneapolis police oversight commission at first public hearing

Lack of progress and failures in transparency were among the main concerns expressed by Minneapolis...

Last-minute negotiations couldn’t save bill with money for construction projects

In the session that ended over the weekend, the Legislature did not pass a bonding...

Listen: Duluth looks at Skyline safety

Here is your Duluth News Tribune Minute podcast for Wednesday, May 22, 2024. (HTML Module...

Minnesotans aiming for county, state, federal offices have 2 weeks to file candidacy

ST. PAUL — People hunting for a spot on an upcoming Minnesota ballot began to...

Cheri Johnson’s new novel ‘Annika Rose’ explores resilience, survival

In Cheri Johnson’s “Annika Rose,” the titular character is just 17-years-old when the novel begins....

Frank Buffalo Hyde: AL·TER·NA·TIVE at All My Relations Gallery

Onondaga artist Frank Buffalo Hyde, born in Santa Fe, New Mexico and currently based in...

Sheriff: Driver says he swerved to avoid cat before hitting ATV and killing rider in central Minnesota

The car’s driver “attempted to stop but was unable to avoid a collision,” a sheriff’s...

Who has the best public parks in the nation? Study: The Twin Cities — and Washington, D.C.

St. Paul, long a powerhouse player in a national ranking of municipal park systems, once...

MINUTES 04.22.24

PUBLIC NOTICE School Board Proceedings ISD 492 Austin, MN The Austin School Board held a...

Bygones: School bus crashed into Duluth’s 4th Street Market in 1984

News Tribune, May 22, 1924 The surviving crew of the steamer Orinoco, which sunk in...

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