Bygones: Twin Ports laid-up ships filled in grain for storage in 1954

27 July 2024

News Tribune, July 27, 1924

A Duluth man, sentenced to three days at the county work farm or a $5 fine for turning his car elsewhere than a street intersection, was suspended when the man explained he had only made the turn to avoid damaging a deflated tire.

News Tribune, July 27, 1954

The Ben Moreel, a Great Lakes steamship that has been laid up since November, will be towed to a Superior grain elevator to load grain for storage. Two other laid-up ships, the Thomas Wilson and the Frank R. Denton, may also load grain for storage soon.

News Tribune & Herald, July 27, 1984

A sample of Twin Ports magazine dealers reported brisk sales of Penthouse magazine since the issue featuring nude photos of former Miss America Vanessa Williams hit the stands three days ago.

News Tribune, July 27, 2004

The Duluth City Council approved a resolution calling for Syria to release Mamun al-Humsi, a former member of that country’s People’s Assembly. In favor were councilors Donny Ness, Laurie Johnson, Russ Stover, Russ Stewart and Roger Reinert. Opposed were Jim Stauber, Tim Little, Greg Gilbert and Neill Atkins.


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