Bygones: 20 years ago, Duluth tried to restrict size of campaign signs

26 August 2024

News-Tribune, Aug. 26, 1924

Duluth City Commissioner P.G. Phillips said at a City Council meeting that city officials talk too much in attempts to influence council members, and should instead be “attending to their duties.”

News-Tribune, Aug. 26, 1954

The Hay Fever Club of America, which gathers in Duluth annually, will hold a general meeting tonight at the Lennox Hotel, with a picnic and Dutch lunch slated for the coming days at Chester Park and the Fitger Brewing Co. clubrooms, respectively.

News-Tribune & Herald, Aug. 26, 1984

Flames shot more than 200 feet in the air as fire roared through the vacant Elevator O on Superior Bay near Barker’s Island. The grain elevator was being salvaged for pine timbers at the time, and it is believed a torch started the blaze.

News Tribune, Aug. 26, 2004

Duluthian Robert James, 41, is refusing to take down two large, hand-painted signs supporting George Bush’s reelection campaign, despite receiving a letter from the city saying they violate an ordinance. The city attorney said the rule is likely unenforceable.


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