Gratitude for the biggest MinnPost Festival yet

2 October 2024

MinnPost HQ is still bouncing from MinnPost Festival this past Saturday, Sept. 28. A huge thanks to the 350 people who joined us on the big day. Westminster Presbyterian Church was full of Minnesotans who give a damn about our state’s future. And it felt like it!

The Festival is a live version of the independent, paywall-free journalism our nonprofit newsroom produces year-round. On Saturday, our community connected with the people and ideas shaping Minnesota through thoughtful, in-depth conversations that empowered and enlightened.

As we continue to unpack (literally) from the big day, collect feedback from attendees and share highlights from sessions (some are already up!), I want to take a moment to thank all the people who made MinnPost Festival possible:

To all of our incredible guest speakers and moderators: for your time and insights.

To our amazing Festival volunteers: for giving your time to help things run smoothly.

To our planning partners: for your support getting the details and logistics right, with particular thanks to Tane Danger at Danger Boat Productions, who was a critical partner in curating the lineup.

To the board of MinnPost: for being ambassadors for our newsroom and the Festival in the community.

To our Festival sponsors (all listed below!) and VIP supporters: for making this event possible and providing critical financial support for MinnPost’s nonprofit newsroom.

To the amazing MinnPost staff – especially the team of Laura Lindsay, Bee Howerton, Brian Perry, Corey Anderson, Alicia Pedersen and Jazzmine Jackson – for your months of work and attention to detail and all you do for this event and for MinnPost.

And, of course, to all who took time out of their busy lives to join us for these important conversations and the chance to connect at the Festival.

MinnPost state government reporter Peter Callaghan interviewing Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan during the 2024 MinnPost Festival. Credit: MinnPost photo by Tanner Curl

It was an incredible day exploring the people and ideas shaping Minnesota’s future, especially sharing it with other Minnesotans who care deeply about these issues and want to understand them better. 

And the best part of all, all the support from sponsors, donors and attendees goes right back into MinnPost. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, that support is critical in producing our in-depth journalism and giving full access to all Minnesotans year-round. No paywall, at any time, on any of our coverage.

Axios reporter Nick Halter interviewing Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey during the 2024 MinnPost Festival. Credit: MinnPost photo by Brian Perry

We’re in the middle of our Fall Member Drive. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to get behind MinnPost and be a vital part of our work, you can make your tax-deductible donation now to power our nonprofit newsroom as we guide Minnesotans through this election and the consequences beyond.

We can’t wait to make MinnPost Festival even bigger and better in 2025, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you to our MinnPost Festival sponsors!

The post Gratitude for the biggest MinnPost Festival yet appeared first on MinnPost.

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