Bygones: 100 years ago, taxi drivers united against Duluth ordinance

1 August 2023

News Tribune, Aug. 1, 1983
The Hayward City Council voted 4-3 yesterday in objection to the establishment of a federal prison at Clam Lake. The council majority agreed with residents who have cited a possible negative effect on regional tourism and the lack of law enforcement personnel near Clam Lake. Several Twin Ports film and history buffs are working on a documentary film about Superior’s vanished shipbuilding industry. They are using original film recorded by Harold Andresen, who was safety director at Superior’s Globe Shipyard during World War II.

News Tribune, Aug. 1, 1923

Independent taxi drivers are uniting against Duluth’s new traffic ordinance and have retained Benjamin Goldberg as their attorney. They argue that the new ordinance, which limits taxi stands to Michigan Street between Fourth and Fifth avenues west, will ruin their business. An exhaustive survey of the beaver and moose situation in the Superior National Forest and the Superior State Game Refuge has been started by the state Game and Fish Commission. The survey is expected to be finished in about a year.]]>

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