Bygones: Duluth police razed house in search 20 years ago

29 May 2024

News Tribune, May 29, 1924

A 3-year-old boy was critically injured by an automobile on Woodland Avenue in Duluth. So far this year, there have been 493 auto accidents in the city, with seven killed and 76 injured.

News Tribune, May 29, 1954

A notorious cow moose known as Minerva, who continues to wreak havoc in the Duluth area, now has an accomplice in the form of a calf moose. The pair is said to repeatedly break through barbed wire fences near Strand Road.

News Tribune & Herald, May 29, 1984

Two escapees from the prison camp in Gordon, Wisconsin, were captured in Washburn after spending the day picnicking and strolling with townspeople while posing as students who ran out of gas.

News Tribune, May 29, 2004

A Duluth house built overlooking Lake Superior in 1886 was razed so police could search for evidence in the case of Julie Hill, who went missing in 1980. Authorities said the house was structurally unsound.


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