Pets featured in the Morning Report newsletter in September

12 October 2023

In September, as summer and the heat hung on, our pets were still smelling the flowers, going for hikes and generally enjoying life. We also remembered those we have lost, including 19-year-old Spock the cat.

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Friday, Sept. 29

“I look forward to the daily dog and cat portion of the Morning Report,” Karen writes.

“Lola is our very loved mix (Chinese Crested Powderpuff, Miniature Poodle and Chihuahua) who loves her morning naps anywhere in the house that she has room to stretch out.

“Aside from sleeping, she loves her playtime! Her variety of ‘lambies’ are her favorites.

“Keep spreading the fun and positive Daily Doggo reports.”

Thursday, Sept. 28

Moe prepares for a move.

“This is Moe who we have had for 12 years,” Jeanette writes.

He secretly joined their family.

“Our daughter, then in high school, brought him home and kept him in a closet for a couple days until she finally asked us to keep him!” Jeanette recalls. “How could we say no?”

You couldn’t!

“This is his new carrier as we are preparing for a move. He is so friendly and most definitely a lap cat to anyone.”

Hope the move went well!

Tuesday, Sept. 26

Minne is a sun-loving rescue from Alabama.

“Minne loves to lay on the deck in the sun, working on her tan — and then come inside and lay on top of an air-conditioning vent to cool down, ” write Bob and Linda of Shoreview. “Minne is a rescue from Alabama who has adopted us.”

Monday, Sept. 25

Yeshe, a 2-year-old Tibetan Terrier.

“I love seeing your pets in the morning, so I thought I should share mine enjoying the Mississippi River at Crosby Farm Park or the great Northwoods at Magnetic Rock.

“This is Yeshe, a 2-year-old Tibetan Terrier who loves being outside year round and loves the snow best! I couldn’t decide what picture was best or which season because we love them all!”

True Minnesotans!

Can you guess where this photo was taken?

Friday, Sept. 22

Freeway enjoys people knitting for him.

“Doesn’t Freeway look regal in his newly knitted scarf?” Kathy asks. “The color is great on him, too. He’s named Freeway because he was rescued from a freeway, then adopted from a shelter by my daughter and granddaughter a few years ago. He thinks he’s a dog, though: He comes when called, doesn’t mind being held while wrapped in a blanket, doesn’t blink an eye at wearing clothes. My granddaughter, now 11, will be knitting him a sweater next.”

Thursday, Sept. 21

Nanook is a rescue, a black Labrador/German Shepherd mix.

“This is Nanook on squirrel duty,” Missi writes. “We had no idea we needed guarding from the squirrel invasion! He spends his days by my side keeping me safe from the wildlife outside my window as I work from home. We adopted Nanook, who is a Lab/German Shepherd mix, from the Woodbury Humane Society and we sometimes wonder who adopted who(m)? He is such a joy and we are so lucky he chose us!”

Wednesday, Sept. 20

Happy Birthday, Archie!

“Here’s a lovely picture of our Golden Retriever, Archie, sniffing an Asiatic lily in our front yard,” Madonna writes. “I took this picture on July 21st. He loves to get under the hose when I am watering the plants!”

Even though the leaves have started to turn colors, Archie, it will feel like July in the garden today with the muggy heat!

(Oh, and Happy Birthday, Archie!)

Tuesday, Sept. 19

Shaytoon is a music lover.

“My 17-year-old dear cat Shaytoon loves to nap on our music when we are practicing,” Emily writes.

Monday, Sept. 18

Rest in peace, Spock.

“I am sad to report that the not-so-famous Spock, our beloved kitty, crossed the Rainbow Bridge today at the age of 19-3/4 years,” Kathy wrote on Tuesday, Sept. 12. “We will miss our countless trips to the kitchen to feed his never-ending appetite. He was a wonderful friend and faithful companion.

“Thank you so much for featuring Spock in your column so many times. I really look forward to reading about your readers’ pets each day. If you would like to have Spock featured one last time, I would very much enjoy that.”

We are so sorry for your loss, Kathy. While we never met Spock, we feel like we knew him after seeing how he liked to supervise his family as they worked on their computers from home, how he also oversaw the packing of the family suitcases and how he enjoyed napping in open dresser drawers. We also sent him birthday greetings when he turned 19 in December.

Rest in peace, Spock.

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” — Winnie the Pooh

Friday, Sept. 15

Oliver, a Cocker Spaniel puppy.

“I enjoy seeing all the other dogs you share!” Mindy wrote.

She recently recognized one.

Mindy was reading the Morning Report when she spotted Buxton, an aquaintance of hers. In fact, she had just greeted him about an hour or so before she read about him here! She let us know — and shared her own dog with us.

Meet Oliver.

“After just one day with us,” she wrote, “our Cocker Spaniel listened to me when I told him to ‘Stop’ and ‘Look at me!’ Here’s the pic he posed for!”

Thursday, Sept. 14

Tobey and Pike.

“Here is the latest picture of Tobey, one of our senior rescues, napping on my desk under the watchful eye of our late cat, Pike,” Kenneth writes. “Pike was rescued out of our backyard in 2004, an abandoned stray — we fed the strays and feral cats.

“He got his name from the fish that take over lakes because he would hiss and spit and chase others away from the food bowl when he wanted to eat. Once inside, though, he became a loving and loyal cat.

“Pike developed congestive heart failure on Valentine’s Day 2014 but, with the help of a wonderful vet named Sue Marshall, he lived for 25 more months and three weeks before he was stricken with cancer. He and Dr. Sue each died of cancer one week apart. We miss them both.”

Wednesday, Sept. 13

Fanny Farmer has a home after living as a stray at Swede Hollow Park in St. Paul.

“This is Fanny Farmer — she’s named after the iconic candy store chain because she is so sweet,” Kiki writes. “Fanny comes from Swede Hollow Park where she was eking out a living in the brambles. Now she lives in luxury with three square meals a day. She has been spayed and vaccinated. Our vet says she is somewhere between six months and two-years-old.”

What a lucky kitten you are, Fanny! And cute.

Tuesday, Sept. 12

Barnaby, a Basset Hound.

“This is my Basset Hound, Barnaby,” writes Barbara of Eden Prairie. “He loves visiting our friend and her two hounds in Highland Park. She has a wonderful big, terraced backyard where he gets to run around and explore. It’s a real treat for my 3-year-old stinker!”

The Morning Report replied that we’ve always wanted a Basset Hound and asked if they were mellow dogs.

“I’ve had six Bassets in my life, one at a time,” she wrote. “Most are fairly lazy, but this one I got at eight weeks old and he arrived as a thief and continues his opportunistic stealing of anything he can reach. Now that he’s three, he sleeps more and is better, but I can’t leave him alone in a room or his thievery will kick into gear!”

He sounds like a handful. A cute, cute handful!

Monday, Sept. 11

Jay and Heidi survived Hurricane Ian.

“Here are our two Hurricane Ian survivor rescue cats, Jay and Heidi,” writes Alisa.

“The shelter they lived in on Fort Myers Beach flooded. They made it to the second floor, but Jay’s brother, among seven others, did not. Jay is a gentle giant who, until now, lived at the rescue shelter his whole life. Heidi is a petite tuxedo, a former street cat originally rescued while pregnant and living outside near a resort on the island.

“They are storm traumatized but with patience are coming around and very sweet and affectionate. We appreciate people’s support of the rescue animals.”

Friday, Sept. 8

Freddicat, a 12-year-old Ginger.

“Freddicat, my 12-year-old ever loving, ever inquisitive ginger,” Lisa, an artist, writes. “Faithful friend to sister Lily-Lil, a silly polydactyl tabby.”

Freddicat is sometimes her muse.

“A portrait of Freddicat is actually hung at the Tiny Gallery at NordHaus on St. Anthony Main thru December,” Lisa tells us.

Check out Lisa’s art at

Thursday, Sept. 7

Cash is a British Labrador.

“I sent in a cat story roughly a year ago — the cat was my girlfriend’s and you published it,” Rich writes.

“Now I have a new puppy.

“His name is ‘Cash’ named after Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)

“Cash is a Brit Lab and he retrieves and points birds. He came from a fantastic breeder in Iowa.

“Our story:

“Cash was bought and it was a 9-1/2 hour round trip to get him. He went straight up to the north end of Leech Lake and he and I camped for two weeks and bonded. He was scared of people and larger dogs. I worked with him socializing and today he licks everyone lol.

“This lil guy is amazing.

“Then Cash got sick unfortunately. He’s been doctoring a lot. Meds etc.

“This morning Cash has shown signs of normalcy. Running around, playing etc. We’re back on what seems the right track.”

Hope you are feeling better now, Cash!

Wednesday, Sept. 6

Lucky likes walks as long as it’s not too hot outside.

“My little guy, Lucky, loves long walks,” Troy wrote back on a hot day on Aug. 23. “Yesterday he actually ignored the squirrels and his regulars who say hello. He just wanted to do his job and get inside to lay down. He loves to be close and cuddle, but can’t be close in the heat. So here he is staring up at me, in his bed. Hot!”

Hopefully, Lucky will enjoy a long walk in today’s cooldown!

Tuesday, Sept. 5

Oscar, a Cocker Spaniel.

“Oscar is a 3-year-old Cocker Spaniel who came to us when he was five weeks and five days old,” writes Peggy of St. Paul. “He was much too young to leave his mother and littermates, and has had to overcome resulting behavior problems (lack of impulse control, resource aggression, etc.). Nevertheless, he is a sweetheart who wants to please. It has taken three years of patience, professional training and love to help him develop into a good companion.”

A good companion is such a treasure!

Friday, Sept. 1

Kitty’s balcony.

“Kitty with happy tummy full of gravy looks at the garden as dusk comes on,” writes Kathy of St. Paul. “This my little Patches. She is almost 16 but doesn’t know it.”

What a perfect little balcony Patches has to enjoy!

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