Dateline featuring ’65 Seconds,’ a 2-hour special on the Heidi Firkus murder

20 October 2023

For a decade, Nicholas Firkus stuck to his story that an unknown assailant shot his 25-year-old wife, Heidi Firkus, in their St. Paul home during the spring of 2010.

He told investigators the assailant attacked him, resulting in a struggle over the gun he was holding for protection.

In the midst of the battle, Nicholas Firkus said the assailant shot his wife in the back. He claimed he also come under fire, with a bullet to his leg.

His long-standing tale came crashing down in February of 2023, when Nicholas Firkus was convicted of first-degree murder related to the death of his wife.

He is currently serving a life sentence.

This twisted story of murder, lies and cover-ups is slated to be featured on “65 Seconds,” a two-hour Dateline special Friday, Oct. 20.

What really happened?

Nicholas Firkus had fallen into financial despair in the lead-up to his wife’s murder.

At the time Heidi Firkus died, the couple was just days away from losing their home to foreclosure.

He initially told investigators Heidi Firkus was aware of their financial struggles, yet detectives ultimately uncovered the truth, according to court documents.

Heidi Firkus was not privy to the couple’s financial troubles. Nicholas Firkus kept the impending foreclosure a secret, and killed her before she was able to find out.

Nicholas Firkus married again shortly after Heidi Firkus’ death. Together, he and his second wife had three children.

Yet, that life was blown up when he was arrested for Heidi Firkus’ murder in May of 2021.

Local law enforcement considered the case suspicious from the start. Yet the case against Nicholas Firkus gained steam when his second wife told investigators she believed he was capable of murder.

Her suspicions led her to record her husband and those recordings ultimately led to his downfall in court.

In one recording, his second wife confronted him for covering up financial struggles. When caught in his lies, his second wife told him she wondered what he was capable of.

His response shocked her.

This case will be featured on a 2-hour edition of Dateline, slated for 8 p.m. central time on Oct. 20. In a press release, NBC said the show will feature interviews with Heidi Firkus’ brother, Pete Erickson, and sister-in-law Jolene Erickson. It will also include interviews with Nick Firkus’ second wife, Rachel, and his close friends.

Watch here for a preview of “65 Seconds.”


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